
publications in reversed chronological order


  1. Submitted
    Higher Rank Series and Root Puzzles for Plumbed 3-Manifolds
    Allison Moore, and Nicola Tarasca
    Submitted, 2024
  2. Submitted
    Coinvariants of Metaplectic Representations on Moduli of Abelian Varieties
    Nicola Tarasca
    Submitted, 2024
  3. Ann. SNS Pisa
    k-canonical Divisors through Brill-Noether Special Points
    Iulia Gheorghita, and Nicola Tarasca
    Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze, to appear, 2024
  4. CCM
    Incidence Varieties in the Projectivized k-th Hodge Bundle over Curves with Rational Tails
    Iulia Gheorghita, and Nicola Tarasca
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2024
  5. Ann. Sci. ÉNS
    On Factorization and Vector Bundles of Conformal Blocks from Vertex Algebras
    Chiara DamioliniAngela Gibney, and Nicola Tarasca
    Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 2024


  1. Trans. AMS
    A pointed Prym-Petri Theorem
    Nicola Tarasca
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2023


  1. J. London Math. Soc.
    Motivic Classes of Degeneracy Loci and Pointed Brill-Noether Varieties
    Dave AndersonLinda Chen, and Nicola Tarasca
    Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2022
  2. Facets of AG
    Vertex Algebras of CohFT-type
    Chiara DamioliniAngela Gibney, and Nicola Tarasca
    In Facets of Algebraic Geometry: A Collection in Honor of William Fulton's 80th Birthday , 2022
  3. IMRN
    K-classes of Brill-Noether Loci and a Determinantal Formula
    Dave AndersonLinda Chen, and Nicola Tarasca
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022


  1. Geom. Topol.
    Conformal Blocks from Vertex Algebras and their Connections on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$
    Chiara DamioliniAngela Gibney, and Nicola Tarasca
    Geometry & Topology, 2021


  1. Trans. AMS
    Classes of Weierstrass Points on Genus 2 Curves
    Renzo Cavalieri, and Nicola Tarasca
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2019
  2. Embracing the Job Search
    Nicola Tarasca
    Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 2019


  1. Selecta Math. (N.S.)
    Du Val Curves and the Pointed Brill-Noether Theorem
    Gavril Farkas, and Nicola Tarasca
    Selecta Mathematica, 2017


  1. ANT
    Extremality of Loci of Hyperelliptic Curves with Marked Weierstrass Points
    Dawei Chen, and Nicola Tarasca
    Algebra & Number Theory, 2016
  2. Math. Z.
    Loci of Curves with Subcanonical Points in Low Genus
    Dawei Chen, and Nicola Tarasca
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2016
  3. J. Algebra
    Divisors of Secant Planes to Curves
    Nicola Tarasca
    Journal of Algebra, 2016
  4. Math. Res. Lett.
    Pointed Castelnuovo Numbers
    Gavril Farkas, and Nicola Tarasca
    Mathematical Research Letters, 2016


  1. IMRN
    Double Total Ramifications for Curves of Genus 2
    Nicola Tarasca
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 2015


  1. Compos. Math.
    Brill-Noether Loci in Codimension Two
    Nicola Tarasca
    Compositio Mathematica, 2013


  1. JPAA
    Double Points of Plane Models in $\overline{M}_{6,1}$
    Nicola Tarasca
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2012
  2. Geometric Cycles in Moduli Spaces of Curves
    Nicola Tarasca
    Humboldt University in Berlin , 2012